Dwyer Research Group
The University of Rhode Island

Dr. Buddini Karawdeniya
Postdoctoral Researcher: Southern Methodist University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Texas
Ph.D (analytical chemistry) : Dwyer group, URI 2018
Grad. Chem (B.S. equivalent): Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, 2010
B.S. (Biological Sciences): University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2010
I work mainly on profiling polysaccharides by solid-state nanopores to identify structurally close sugars in a clinical (or food) sample and fabricating SERS substrates with electroless gold plating with multifunctional capabilities. I have also worked on surface modification of silicon nitride nanopore surfaces with metal and organic functional groups to manipulate surface chemistry for sensing. Interested in developing point-of-care diagnostics, nanomaterials, microfluidics and surface chemistry.
Personal Interests
Poetry, Dan Brown & Agatha Christie's books, Travelling, Gimp, Cooking, Dancing, Action movies and Dogs

Dr. Nuwan Bandara
Postdoctoral Researcher: Southern Methodist University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Texas
Ph.D (analytical chemistry) : Dwyer group, URI 2018
Grad. Chem (B.S. equivalent): Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, 2010
B.S. (Biological Sciences): University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2010
Research Interests
I am interested in nanopore fabrication (through dielectric breakdown process), sensing (DNA and sugars, in particular), conductance modeling, nanopore surface chemical modifications, creating substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) on planar silicon nitride and other materials, including paper. In addition, I do automated data analysis using custom software I wrote in Mathematica, instrumentation development with Labview control, and CAD design and 3D printing
Personal Interests
Cricket, Cars, Travelling, Dining, Netflix, Arduino

Jonathan Nichols
Associate Scientist in Advanced Biosensor Research and Development, Nova Biomedical
M.S. (Chemistry): Dwyer group, URI
B.S. (Chemistry): University of Massachusetts Boston, 2015
Research interests
My research interests are in tuning the experimental conditions of nanopore measurements, such as electrolyte composition, pH, and applied voltage, and understanding how they affect single molecule detection. By optimizing experimental parameters, two molecules of extremely similar but different structure can be selectively detected, even when both are present at the same time. Selective single molecule detection may be applicable in the detection of deadly contaminants in life-saving drugs.
Personal interests
WWE wrestling, working on cars, animals, candlepin bowling, pizza connoisseur

Melissa Morris
Undergraduate student

Benjamin Rickson
Undergraduate student

Sam Toppa
Undergraduate student

Catherine Linh
Undergraduate student

Michael Auten
Undergraduate researcher

Caitlin Masterson
Undergraduate student (B.S)
Current : Graduate student, Brown University

Josh Morimoto
Current: Graduate Student, Tufts Chemistry

Zack Lariviere
Undergraduate researcher

Jonathan Lloyd
Undergraduate researcher

Cory Lawton
Current: Forensic Chemistry

Ian Tompkins
Undergraduate researcher
Current: Pharmacy, political policy

Jayce Napolitano
Undergraduate student

Sarah Golden
Current: Forensics

Jessica de Rocha Silva
Undergraduate exchange student (Brazil)

Joshua Doyle
Undergraduate student

Dan Wilson
Undergraduate student (B.S)
Current : Graduate student, Tufts University

Leslie McCabe
Current: Quality Manager, Beverage Division, Dunkin' Brands

Adriana Mendieta
Undergraduate Researcher

Jamie Pahigian
Undergraduate researcher

Caitlin Ross
Undergraduate student (B.S)
Current :

Lucas Ginsberg
Undergraduate student (B.S)
Current : Graduate student, UC Berkeley

Cameron Frament
Undergraduate student (B.S)
Current : Risk Analysis, Narragansett Bay Insurance Company

Brian Kite
Research Assistant

Travis Leffert
Undergraduate student (B.S)
Current : TwoPore Guys, CA

Elaine Viola
Undergraduate student (B.S)
Anna Khabaeva
High School Student
Blaine Lynch-Gadaleta
High School Student
Priyanka Bonifaz
High School Student
Diondra Perillo
High School Student
Nathan Meehan
High School Student